Its all in the name
Somethings just keep on amazing me to no end. When i am studying our stats to find out exactly who comes to this site and for what reason (yes, its true I know exactly when you log on and how long you stay, moo ha ha ha) I find that have the people come here not for from the hilarios jokes, the indepth comments on life, too see if they can cement a date with Mr. J, no, they come here because of one picture and what it is called.
Well here is the picture:
And it happened to be called Darth fetish, (Its somewhere in our archives and i cannot be bothered to find it). So there are sickos out there that do a google search to find this kinda thing and end up here. I promise you, about 10 hits a day minimum. this shit really turn people on, allot of them.So I think it would be a good idea to start calling our our pictures nasty names.
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