F1 Betting
Its F1 weekend, its Melborne, Australia F1 weekend. And too all of you Renault supporters, who are you trying to kid? Where was your true never-say-die support when they where playing fourth fiddle about 3-4 years ago? I know where it was, it was supporting Ferrari, you turn coat bastards.

So this is just me informing everyone that do not try to compare yourself with a McLaren supporter. They are out of your league, they stick to their team. They where there in the bad times and they will be laughing their asses off in the good times when all the Renault supporters suddenly turn into age old Mclaren fans.
Anyjacuzzi, what i really want to say is go check out the F1 betting at the Ham. Its free, its fun, its got a points log, so you can see how well you are doing, its the future. And you have until today.
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