News from India
Our fearless Die Emmer reporter, Esmarelda, has been up in India for the last little while, due to a lack of technology in the land of the tiger, I am posting this on her behalf:

I was really excited about this, but was actually terrifed when i saw the size of my camel. This wasn't helped by the fact that my guide was an 11 year old, whose name was Mowgli, and the camel was called Rocky - none of this instilled much faith in me at all...
From the second I had gotten onto the animal, I was dreading how I was going to get off it...
after about half an hour of walking through the desert, and seeing beautiful landscapes, we came to a clearing and I was told to "lean back" - didn't quite know why we were doing this, but did so anyway. Next thing the camel was getting ready to sit down. As we hit the ground, he decided to roll over in the sand - WITH ME ON TOP OF HIM STILL!! i have never moved so fast in my life - i even left my precious camera behind. i was COVERED in sand - (thanks to all the oil from the massage...)
anway, was not too serious, but have the most massive black bruise on my leg now. we had to get back onto the camels after this to return to the village and i was TERRIFIED...
Lets hope she makes it back alive
Lets hope she makes it back alive
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