The Cornerstone of any dinner party conversation
The original fridge joke:
Q: whats white and blue and sits in a tree?
A: a fridge with jeans on.
Not so original fridge Jokes:
Q: whats white with a red scarf and sits in a tree?
A: Rupert the fridge
Now you can see it go down hill from there:
Q:Whats black and white and hangs from the tree?
A: Batfridge
Q: Whats White and runs down the beach?
A: Fridge Buccanan
Q: Whats white, hot and will not give you action?
A: Fridget
Q: Whats white and has Clint Eastwood in it?
A: Fridges of Madison County
Q: Whats white and sucks your Blood?
A: a Freech
Q: Whats white and likes little boys?
A: Micheal Jackson
feel free to leave your own in the comment section
Q: How did the boy fall off his bike?
A: Someone threw a fridge at him.
2:04 PM
What's black and cleans up the kitchen?
What's white, has a bionic jaw and is married to Brooke?
What's white and red and lies in the snow?
A clubbed baby seal
2:41 PM
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