Harry Potter can wait
Since we are all flogging culture this morning, I might aswell throw in my little 18cents.
GO and read The War of Don Emmanuel's Nether Parts by Louis De Bernieres
Old Tom ato gave it me to read and I suffered some serios lack of sleep because of it. Page turner of note.
And now for the synopsis:
With The War of Don Emmanuel's Nether Parts Louis de Bernières's sardonic pen has concocted a spicy olla podrida of a novel, set in a fictitious Latin American country, with all the tragedy, ribaldry and humour Bernières can muster from a debauched military, a clueless oligarchy and an unconventional band of guerrillas. There's a plague of laughing, a flood of magical cats and a torture-happy colonel. The cities, villages, politics and discourse are an inspired amalgam of Latin Americana, but the comedy, horror, adventure and vibrant individuals are pure de Bernières.
Thanks Tom, where have you been by the by?
Serious. Not serios.
1:03 PM
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